Sunday, July 3, 2011

How To Love?

Loving... Both an action as well as a feeling. Lil Wayne to date has a song with this said title. HOW TO LOVE? Have you ever really wondered yourself how you would go about this?
Love is particularly hard to define... How do you go about differentiating it from infatuation or lust?
Love is much more than a risk,it is a risk that one can take and grasp...then fall into a dark deep abyss. I don't believe for the least bit that even a truly experienced person can truly grasp or explain the meaning of love.
The concept of this simple 4 letter word is one which has a never ending story to an open book of unforgettable experiences.
It is said that : LOVE - is giving someone the power to break your heart but trusting them not to.
With that, go out there... urge yourselves and you may just figure out How To Love.
