Sunday, July 3, 2011

How To Love?

Loving... Both an action as well as a feeling. Lil Wayne to date has a song with this said title. HOW TO LOVE? Have you ever really wondered yourself how you would go about this?
Love is particularly hard to define... How do you go about differentiating it from infatuation or lust?
Love is much more than a risk,it is a risk that one can take and grasp...then fall into a dark deep abyss. I don't believe for the least bit that even a truly experienced person can truly grasp or explain the meaning of love.
The concept of this simple 4 letter word is one which has a never ending story to an open book of unforgettable experiences.
It is said that : LOVE - is giving someone the power to break your heart but trusting them not to.
With that, go out there... urge yourselves and you may just figure out How To Love.


Thursday, August 19, 2010

Ever Been the Target of Chatterboxes?

These are some of the people who would seemingly make another person’s life miserable. The chatterbox, who literally watches then goes off to blab blab blab. This upsets me greatly & being human, I don’t think I’m the only person it would upset.

You have people who make it a duty to go back and talk about you to someone else. I hope if you’re reading this, you’re not in fact a culprit. People make your business their own, then make it other persons own & it goes on and on.

Mind you, this is not about you telling the chatterbox your business. This person is around you & assumes and accumulates information and chat to others constantly. Readers, I ask you to be careful of these people. If you’re not careful who you have around you whether by choice or force, you can end up losing things you have in life.

Don’t ever be a Chatterbox!

Don’t ruin someone else’s life because of your pathetic urge to chat chat chat. . .



Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Boundaries don't keep other people out...


I can't believe what is in front of me
The water's rising up to my knees

And I can't figure out
How the hell I wound up here
Everything seemed okay when I started out the other day
Then the rain came pouring down
And now I'm drowning in my fears
And as I watch the setting sun
I wonder if I'm the only one
'Cause everybody tries to put some love on the line
And everybody feels a broken heart sometimes
And even when I'm scared
I have to try to fly
Sometimes I fall
But I've seen it done before
I got to step outside these walls...

I've got no master plan to help me out
Or make me stand up for
All the things that I really want
You had me too afraid to ask
And as I look ahead of me
Cry and pray for sanity...
These walls can't be my haven
These walls can't keep me safe here
Now i guess I've got to let them down...


Monday, August 9, 2010

Long Distance Relationships.

I read this article and thought it was quite interesting. Whether you are in the position or not,it can help improve a relationship. Taken from ((The Gleaner.Aug.8 2010-Outlook))

While they say absence makes the heart grow fonder, a long-distance relationship is not for the faint-hearted. They can be difficult and bring disappointment and heartache when you cannot touch the one you love. You may even start doubting your feelings and this could overrun the beautiful relationship you once had. You may find that you start having arguments, but you should not succumb to them. In order not to drift apart, it takes similar commitment, patience, sacrifice and understanding as a relationship in which your partner is by your side.

IMPORTANT: Inform your partner of the friendships you have made and talk about the places you may go so that your partner who is away will not hear it second-hand as gossip.

TAKE NOTE: Resist the temptation to be controlling, even when you are apart, trying to peek into every move your partner makes and ascribing motive to them. This indicates jealousy, and without trust the relationship will not work.

READ CAREFULLY: Do not be unfaithful, even if you feel lonely. Guilt will only add to the pain of living away from your spouse. Men are more tempted to cheat as they find it difficult to cope with loneliness and boredom and miss the physical affection and sex. Men also worry about their women finding comfort in the arms of another man.

I hope this has given you some insight to the topic. For the full article visit:


Thursday, August 5, 2010


Everyone’s got ‘em… Am I right? Well, I’m sure someone has told u before that you have issues or something of the sort. If they haven’t, you most certainly have thought you have some of your own. According to the Oxford Dictionary, ISSUES refer to a subject for discussion or concern. So don’t you have an issue?

Discussing something that concerns you or another can either help or prove to be futile. If you have a friend who is in great need of support, don’t be afraid to help him/her. In whatever way you can, you may be surprised the huge difference that you can make in that persons life. When in doubt or in times of stress/depression…Most are unable to open up to another, therefore try and bear with that person,in his/her own time they will come around. I’m certain that what I’m saying here may be somewhat monotonous, because if you are a good friend or person, you should already have knowledge of these basics.

So before you rant on about someone’s issues, why not think about your own? Or if you personally don’t have any, try to assist another rather than breaking them down.

You’ve got ISSUES!



Saturday, July 17, 2010

Her Story.

He stood there and stared… as if he hadn’t seen her a day in his entire life. He was the man who had actually fathered her. The tears flowed from her eyes. He was the one who had left her without even a word or explanation. He gave her nothing, no support…emotionally-none, financially-none. He had walked out of her life but he really had never been in it from day one.

She would sit and wonder at times what it would be like if he had even offered some form of support. Wondering will never make that happen though. They say things happen for a reason, I hope she will understand the reason behind it. No one will ever understand the reasons for her pain, but her. Right?

In life we all have our challenges…… But it’s really how we cope with them that defines who we are. Who YOU are… What YOU are… & potentially The Person YOU will become…



Saturday, July 3, 2010

Inside Out...Outside In...

There are different ways with which persons can view one another. Whether from the inside out or from the outside in is solely left to him/her. However, most persons would be the culprits of viewing someone or even something from outside in. Its not a matter of shallowness, I believe its simply our generic makeup? (well maybe) The eyes are one of the most precious organs amongst others. But a person can look or view another and form an analogy. Mind you, I do not advice this-as it will make the person rather judgemental.
When you look at it logically however, the outside is indeed what we see first. Right? After seeing the outside, we later decide if we're ready to tread & learn about the inside. Seeing as the Inside Out would take a longer period of time to know,whilst from the Outside In ,seems easier. I think I'm right.
These are my views....maybe you see it the same way too.
Happy Reading!!