Thursday, August 5, 2010


Everyone’s got ‘em… Am I right? Well, I’m sure someone has told u before that you have issues or something of the sort. If they haven’t, you most certainly have thought you have some of your own. According to the Oxford Dictionary, ISSUES refer to a subject for discussion or concern. So don’t you have an issue?

Discussing something that concerns you or another can either help or prove to be futile. If you have a friend who is in great need of support, don’t be afraid to help him/her. In whatever way you can, you may be surprised the huge difference that you can make in that persons life. When in doubt or in times of stress/depression…Most are unable to open up to another, therefore try and bear with that person,in his/her own time they will come around. I’m certain that what I’m saying here may be somewhat monotonous, because if you are a good friend or person, you should already have knowledge of these basics.

So before you rant on about someone’s issues, why not think about your own? Or if you personally don’t have any, try to assist another rather than breaking them down.

You’ve got ISSUES!



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