Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Thought of Kids -_-

So much has happened over the past two days that i havn't blogged. Yes, there is so much i could talk and write about. But after watching 'The Back Up Plan' starring Jennifer Lopez and Alex O'Loughlin,I've become somewhat more content with my decision not to have kids/children. Mind you they can be the greatest wonders in this world...But they can also be awful little critters. Some have the analogy that a family isn't a 'family' without children...Can't a Man & Woman be a family?(I think so)
I've grappled with a numerous amount of family members and friends telling me that I'm going to end up having kids. I'm not totally in disagreement with them,however...children are seemingly like a whole other world of responsibilities as well as potential heartache. Years to come,hopefully after my 30 or 35 years of living,I would be willing to bless a potential husband with a children--or dreadingly children.
I don't want readers to get the impression that I'm the worst person alive seeing as i don't want children really. But I'm certain that others out there in this Large yet small world, do have similar views. So judge me NOT my readers.
So til next time-Happy Reading.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Why Blame Only the Men…

Life is a journey they say, which is indeed filled with it’s ups and downs. Most, if not all human beings can attest to that. However,the ideaology of “ego” or having one can also be found amongst women. What or how would you describe a woman who believes she can get any man on this earth?  Hmmmm…my view is that her ego is a little too high-yes EGO! You see, most women fail to understand that they-or should I say, we are guilty of being egoistical too. Egotist means: a conceited person who is always talking about him/herself (N.B. not just males ladies! We too are guilty of this)  Ego: A person’s  self or self-respect- now this meaning is way too broad  for my liking.


A recent phone call,however reminded me of the fact that the ego ideaology or whatever you want to call it was probably made for MEN! What they would do in order to not bruise or rebuild their ego is crazy. I pray for all mankind, yes You and I both.




Friday, June 25, 2010

Men= Egoistic Beings

Most women,if not all have all met upon Men who are filled with large egos. Some men can be described as having really small egos too- Never thought it was possible huh?
Ego refers to: the one of the three divisions of the psyche in psychoanalytic theory that serves as the organized conscious mediator between the person and reality especially by functioning both in the perception of and adaptation to reality-- simply put ,the idea one creates about themselves usually thinking they are better than another.
iVillage.com -- a woman states: I'm with this guy who is so into himself. I found it amusing at first: the way he looks at himself in the mirror; his passion for buying designer clothes and accessories; how he loves to spend time applying nice-smelling lotions to his skin. Now his behavior has grown annoying. I don't think I spend half as much time on myself as he does on himself. Moreover, he doesn't bother to take me out to dinner or buy me flowers anymore (we've been together for over a year). I'm not demanding, but sometimes it would be nice to receive such things just to feel like I'm loved. I'm wondering if this is normal behavior for guys. I love my boyfriend, but I'm concerned. I don't know if I can put up with his egotistical ways forever.
My analogy is-this man isn't egoistic,he possesses the attitudes of simply being conceited and or vain.
Look into it my fellow people... Ask yourself these simple yet realistical questions. Are they really what we make them out to be?