Saturday, June 26, 2010

Why Blame Only the Men…

Life is a journey they say, which is indeed filled with it’s ups and downs. Most, if not all human beings can attest to that. However,the ideaology of “ego” or having one can also be found amongst women. What or how would you describe a woman who believes she can get any man on this earth?  Hmmmm…my view is that her ego is a little too high-yes EGO! You see, most women fail to understand that they-or should I say, we are guilty of being egoistical too. Egotist means: a conceited person who is always talking about him/herself (N.B. not just males ladies! We too are guilty of this)  Ego: A person’s  self or self-respect- now this meaning is way too broad  for my liking.


A recent phone call,however reminded me of the fact that the ego ideaology or whatever you want to call it was probably made for MEN! What they would do in order to not bruise or rebuild their ego is crazy. I pray for all mankind, yes You and I both.




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