Friday, June 25, 2010

Men= Egoistic Beings

Most women,if not all have all met upon Men who are filled with large egos. Some men can be described as having really small egos too- Never thought it was possible huh?
Ego refers to: the one of the three divisions of the psyche in psychoanalytic theory that serves as the organized conscious mediator between the person and reality especially by functioning both in the perception of and adaptation to reality-- simply put ,the idea one creates about themselves usually thinking they are better than another. -- a woman states: I'm with this guy who is so into himself. I found it amusing at first: the way he looks at himself in the mirror; his passion for buying designer clothes and accessories; how he loves to spend time applying nice-smelling lotions to his skin. Now his behavior has grown annoying. I don't think I spend half as much time on myself as he does on himself. Moreover, he doesn't bother to take me out to dinner or buy me flowers anymore (we've been together for over a year). I'm not demanding, but sometimes it would be nice to receive such things just to feel like I'm loved. I'm wondering if this is normal behavior for guys. I love my boyfriend, but I'm concerned. I don't know if I can put up with his egotistical ways forever.
My analogy is-this man isn't egoistic,he possesses the attitudes of simply being conceited and or vain.
Look into it my fellow people... Ask yourself these simple yet realistical questions. Are they really what we make them out to be?

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